Archive for governance

Are Your Compliance Efforts Putting You at Risk?

How you implement cybersecurity, cyber governance, and compliance influences how protected your firm actually is. 

The Importance of Tabletop Exercises

Sometimes a cybersecurity emergency can feel like a battleground — and nobody wants to enter a war zone without a game plan. Learn more about preparing for cybersecurity tabletop exercises with our experts.

SEC Cybersecurity Rule Changes: The Straight Path to Now

Understand the SEC’s proposed new cybersecurity rules, how we got to this point, and how to stay ahead.

Changes in Cybersecurity are Coming in 2022

Cyber terrorists continue to target SEC registrants. Learn how to protect your firm in 2022.

SEC Sanctions Eight Firms for Cybersecurity Procedures. Are You Next?

Three fundamental governance guidelines to help ensure sure your firm doesn’t find itself in the hot seat.

Your Network is Only as Secure as Your Vendors’ Networks

With supply chain attacks dominating recent headlines, companies are re-evaluating how third-party vendor behavior affects their own data.

How Insider Threats Exposed Twitter (and How You Can Prevent That)

This week was rough for Twitter- they suffered a major breach that led to high-profile accounts being hacked.

6 Components of an Optimized Azure Infrastructure

Building your Azure infrastructure is more than just providing virtual networks and machines; it requires careful thought, planning, and expertise.

Cybersecurity & Governance Framework Meet the Gold Standard

If your company has made it this far into the COVID-19 pandemic and is still healthy, it’s a good time to address any processes or practices you’ve been putting off.

Phishing Attack Targets Financial Services Executives

A phishing campaign is targeting Office 365 users specifically at financial services firms, and have compromised over 150 businesses.

Reviewing & Verifying PCI Policy for WFH Environments

Cybercriminals love a crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic is the equivalent of a crisis party where everyone is invited, and no one is checking IDs at the door.

Why Top CTOs Care About IT Governance

Top CTOs know that a better-quality infrastructure eventually leads to a better-quality career (for them).