Here's how we're transforming the managed services model

Moving forward with predictive intelligence
& human brilliance

The Agio quest becomes reality.

Your firm’s success is increasingly inseparable from — and enabled by — the investments you make in technology. And as technology advances, you need access to more innovative approaches that ensure your business runs smoothly and safely.

Challenging trends that demand a new approach to IT delivery and support

  • Systems are becoming more complex and integrated.
  • The move to the cloud requires new skill sets for system architecture and maintenance.
  • Remote work has changed support requirements.
  • As attack surfaces expand, threats are harder to detect.
  • End users have higher expectations for ease-of-service and the ability to self-service.

Moving the MSP model forward

A problem isn’t a problem if it’s solved before it happens. So many MSPs rely on an outdated and reactive break/fix approach to IT management. By using proactive monitoring and predictive intelligence, we’re able to prevent or preempt issues before they impact your environment. No one should have to pay more when they have more problems.

You should want a complex mind (human brilliance) tackling complex problems and a simple mind (predictive intelligence) managing simple ones.


Jean McCabe lowres

Jean McCabe

Chief Innovation Officer, Agio

Looking at the Agio difference.

Customer Experience Score is the new NPS

The traditional approach to evaluate the quality of a client experience in getting a case resolved is to send a net promoter score (NPS) survey. Unfortunately, the typical customer response rate ranges from 15% to 30%, and those who do respond generally give very high or very low ratings. The middle majority of the typical customer base is silent, sending no signals of service quality or satisfaction at all.

The Agio Customer Experience Score (CES)  captures sentiment for all customers, not just those who take a survey. As a result, your service improvements come faster and continuously.

The CES leverages natural language processing (NLP) and AI to capture information on service quality and customer satisfaction during every transaction.

When it comes to detection and response, time is of the essence. It only takes seconds for attackers to enter a system, and the time it takes to steal what they need can be measured in hours.

Chris Shoenwetter

Chris Schoenwetter

Director, Cyber Operations, Agio

Managed IT + XDR:
The agility you need to defend your systems

Clients who bundle managed IT and XDR services with us enjoy 40% faster response times, on average, to resolve low-level risks, meaning small problems don’t get a chance to become big problems.

A tale of two vulnerabilities

When two separate service providers support managed IT and cybersecurity threat monitoring, the lack of visibility and delays in coordinating communication and action can impact client outcomes significantly.

When bundled together, our IT management and Extended Detection & Response (XDR) services enable us to be more responsive and agile when a vulnerability is identified within a client environment. So these clients are 80% less likely to have a vulnerability escalate to an incident than those for whom we only manage the XDR service.

Agio Shield

To protect your team better our engineers have developed Agio Shield, which acts as a force field around your environment to intercept malicious links before they can do harm. Our proprietary AI then categorizes the risk those domains pose across all our client organizations. That means you’re protected from the malicious links we’ve intercepted and categorized across our entire client base, not just those targeting your firm.

Agio Shield

The fewer issues that occur, the less time our clients and their employees spend with IT, which is a huge priority among the firms we serve.


David Costa

David Costa

Chief Operating Officer, Agio

Predictive Intelligence

The further we advance toward our vision for proactive prevention, speed to resolution, and the AI-human partnership, the more our clients are seeing the benefits.

As we’ve invested in proactive issue prevention, we’ve seen a drop in the number of issues our clients experience, which enables us to spend even more time being proactive rather than reactive. That’s what transforming the technology support model looks like.

Take a deep dive.

Download the book for a deeper look and to see where we’re taking you next.

Contact us.

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The Agio Vision

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Agio Academy