Archive for cyber gov

SEC Releases New Statement on its Cybersecurity Disclosure Requirements

The SEC released a statement clarifying disclosure requirements for cybersecurity incidents under new rules adopted in July 2023. Learn what you can do to stay ahead of regulations, mitigate cyber risks, and demonstrate a commitment to safeguarding client information. (Hint: Call Agio)

If You’re Thinking “A Cyber Attack Won’t Happen to Me,” Think Again

Cyber-attacks are no laughing matter, and they target everyone, regardless of the size or scope of your firm. Read on as we discuss the dangerous misconception that size somehow acts as a shield against cyber threats.

Guide to Managed IT, Cybersecurity Operations & Cyber Governance

For RIA executives, outsourcing to a MSP can streamline operations and bolster security amidst evolving challenges. But first, let’s help you understand Managed IT, Cybersecurity Operations, and Cyber Governance.

Cybersecurity 2024 Predictions for Investment Management Firms

As we reflect on the cybersecurity landscape of 2023 and anticipate the challenges awaiting in 2024, Agio, as a leader in Managed IT and Cybersecurity services, ensures that financial services C-Suite executives and investment managers stay well-informed and prepared.

Be ready for the new SEC Cybersecurity Risk Management Rules

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is on the verge of enacting new Cybersecurity Risk Management rules that will directly impact registered investment advisers and funds.