Archive for vpn

Incomplete XDR Coverage Leaves You Vulnerable

Imagine yourself in this situation: You’re a diverse global company. COVID-19 is everywhere and hurting business, so you have to furlough some people.

How Insider Threats Exposed Twitter (and How You Can Prevent That)

This week was rough for Twitter- they suffered a major breach that led to high-profile accounts being hacked.

How Agio Securely Empowers Remote Users

Telecommuting isn’t new, but not every business thought it was right for them. Enter COVID-19: the virus that turned outdated thinking on its head.

Coronavirus: How to Do Business as Usual When It’s Anything But

Here’s how the most successful CTOs, CISOs, COOs, CFOs, and CCOs have been leading their organizations through the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

How Has Your Business Continuity Plan Evolved as a Result of COVID-19?

COVID-19 came out of nowhere, set up camp, and put everyone physically and mentally at risk–not to mention stretching your business continuity plan beyond anything you planned for.

To Patch or Not to Patch During COVID-19?

When everyone moved out of the office, the question of whether to patch or not to patch got a little hairy.

How the Top CTOs Got Ahead with Desktop as a Service

COVID-19 put a worst-case scenario in play, and it showed all of us that every firm needs a reliable work-from-anywhere solution.