Archive for risk

Are You Ready for Insurance Risk Assessments? Agio Says Yes

As a community, we may have started out thinking working remotely was temporary, but it’s now clear this is how we’ll be doing business for the foreseeable future.

Patch Management in the New COVID-19 Normal

Sending employees home to work remotely isn’t business as usual. Companies have had to act fast, and some things are inevitably getting lost in the shuffle.

How To Protect Private Equity Firms From Wire Transfer Fraud

Wire and payment transfer fraud are two of the top ways alternative investment firms lose significant money to attackers.

Your Portfolio Companies are Under Siege

We recommend prioritizing these seven areas to prevent access and protect systems and data.

Here are the Top 3 Portfolio Company Cybersecurity Risks

It’s important to assess the cybersecurity of your portfolio companies to identify the risks and gaps in compliance.

GDPR & What Financial Services Needs to Know

How does the EU’s GDPR apply to you? What challenges do you face to comply? Does the regulation really have teeth?