What is a Firewall? 

A firewall is a network security device or software that examines incoming and outgoing network traffic. It uses a set of security guidelines to approve or deny data packets. A firewall establishes a barrier between external sources — like the internet — and your internal network to block malicious traffic like hackers and viruses.

What is Data Exfiltration?

Data exfiltration is when malware or a bad actor transfers data from a device like a mobile phone or computer. When data is exported, stolen, or leaked, it can pose a serious threat to an organization. Companies can face extensive financial and reputational damage when they fail to safeguard their data against data exfiltration.

What is the NIST Framework?

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) at the U.S. Department of Commerce developed a cybersecurity framework (CSF) that helps organizations of all sizes better grasp, manage, and minimize their cybersecurity risk.

What is Ransomware? 

Ransomware is a variety of malware that restricts users from accessing their systems or personal documents and demands a ransom in exchange for regaining access. Usually, ransoms are payable with cryptocurrency. How it Works You can typically activate ransomware by opening a harmful link or attachment.

What is Network Segmentation?

Network segmentation divides a computer network into various segments to improve the network’s performance, enhance security, increase monitoring, and localize technical issues. This network security technique compartmentalizes the network, so each section acts as its own small network with unique security services and controls for each. Administrators can use segmentation to protect static IP addresses

How to Easily Migrate All Files in Your Folders to a New Computer

When you get a new PC, transferring your existing files is one of the first steps you’ll need to take to set it up. You have several options to transfer your files depending on the hardware and services you have. Here are four ways you can migrate your files to a new computer.

How to Scrape the Web with Excel

Microsoft Excel’s usefulness goes beyond mere calculations — you can use it to pull in web data for analysis. If the website you’re scraping has a static data table to pull from, Excel will scan the page and extract the table data for your spreadsheet. Excel Web Scraping Step-by-step There are different web scraping methods

How to Use the DAX CALCULATE Function in Excel

Data Analysis Expression (DAX) language is integral in Power Pivot, Power BI, and Analysis Services in Microsoft Excel. These DAX formulas combine operators, functions, and values to execute complex calculations and data queries in tabular models. CALCULATE is one of the most important DAX functions to simplify scenarios with custom data filters.

How to Make a Custom Spell Check List in Excel

Excel spelling check is useful for catching typos before you send worksheets to clients and stakeholders. However, the program often marks specialized terms like client, company, and product names as incorrect.

How to Use People Graph in Excel

Infographics present data in an engaging and straightforward format that makes it easy to understand. Microsoft Excel 2013 introduced People Graph to help users display data related to numbers of people. What is People Graph in Excel?

How to Create a Target Line in Excel Charts

When you put data into an Excel spreadsheet, the program provides multiple options for displaying your data. One of those options is a bar graph, a chart that presents data along the X and Y axis.

Best Add-ins for Word

If you want Microsoft Word to do more, add-ins can help. Add-ins for Word expand the program’s functionality and interact with the data in a Word document, taking on tasks that Word can’t do alone.