What is the Real Cost of a Data Breach?

The cost of a data breach is an average of $4.45 million, according to a 2023 IBM report, which has increased 15% in the last three years. This figure includes direct costs, like lawsuits and fines, and indirect costs, like reputational damage.

What is the Impact of Cybersecurity on Procurement?

Procurement uses various technologies to streamline processes. As your company adds more digital tools to the network, cybersecurity becomes increasingly important. Procurement is vulnerable because of the sensitive data involved.

How to Outlast a Data Disaster

If your company experiences a data breach, you need a disaster recovery strategy to return your business to operation right away. A disaster recovery plan outlines what your organization will do to recover from a disaster or unforeseen incidents. This document details the following: How to recover the data How to rebuild IT infrastructure Goals

Are You Budgeting Enough for Security?

As security costs increase and cyberattacks become more prevalent, many companies wonder if they are budgeting enough for security. Since every organization has different requirements, it may not make sense for your business to compare your budget to another company’s. Instead, consider the various factors that drive security spending and choose the areas most beneficial

Where is ChatGPT Hosted?

ChatGPT is hosted on a Microsoft Azure data center in San Antonio, Texas. This setup means ChatGPT and OpenAI are only available from within the United States. However, this service is not accessible in some countries due to internet censorship laws and regulations.

What is the Best Server for a Hedge Fund?

The best server for hedge funds hosts apps that analyze data about the fund so managers can use this information in their decision-making process. Hedge fund management is data-driven. Data shows the value and growth of the trades, so data analysts can understand the benefits and risks.

What is a Firewall? 

A firewall is a network security device or software that examines incoming and outgoing network traffic. It uses a set of security guidelines to approve or deny data packets. A firewall establishes a barrier between external sources — like the internet — and your internal network to block malicious traffic like hackers and viruses.

What is Data Exfiltration?

Data exfiltration is when malware or a bad actor transfers data from a device like a mobile phone or computer. When data is exported, stolen, or leaked, it can pose a serious threat to an organization. Companies can face extensive financial and reputational damage when they fail to safeguard their data against data exfiltration.

What is the NIST Framework?

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) at the U.S. Department of Commerce developed a cybersecurity framework (CSF) that helps organizations of all sizes better grasp, manage, and minimize their cybersecurity risk.

What is Ransomware? 

Ransomware is a variety of malware that restricts users from accessing their systems or personal documents and demands a ransom in exchange for regaining access. Usually, ransoms are payable with cryptocurrency. How it Works You can typically activate ransomware by opening a harmful link or attachment.

What is Network Segmentation?

Network segmentation divides a computer network into various segments to improve the network’s performance, enhance security, increase monitoring, and localize technical issues. This network security technique compartmentalizes the network, so each section acts as its own small network with unique security services and controls for each. Administrators can use segmentation to protect static IP addresses

How to Easily Migrate All Files in Your Folders to a New Computer

When you get a new PC, transferring your existing files is one of the first steps you’ll need to take to set it up. You have several options to transfer your files depending on the hardware and services you have. Here are four ways you can migrate your files to a new computer.