In today’s rapidly evolving technological field, generative AI models have emerged as powerful tools that are shaping our society in profound ways. Among these models, ChatGPT stands out as a prime example of the potential that AI models hold. With its ability to engage in natural conversations, provide creative and informative responses, and cater to the diverse needs of its users, ChatGPT has quickly become the most popular AI service and has revolutionized the interaction between humans and technology.  

To discuss the prominence of AI models throughout society and to answer our clients’ burning questions, Agio CEO Bart McDonough hosted a webinar: AI Explained: Exploring ChatGPT, Google Bard, and the Future of Generative AI. Emphasizing the importance of this conversation, a whopping 80% of attendees surveyed said they are interested in deploying a secure ChatGPT tool within their teams, and more than 50% have already implemented a ChatGPT governance policy. Here are our top takeaways: 

  1. Is it Worth the Hype? Buzz surrounding the latest technological breakthroughs raises the question: are these generative AI models truly worth the hype? When compared to recent media and other innovative technology, the emergence of ChatGPT and similar AI models is causing a whirlwind of excitement due to its quick and efficient processes.  Bart confirmed that, yes, these AI models are proving to be very deserving of the attention they are receiving. The fact that 49% of US companies have replaced employees with ChatGPT serves as compelling evidence of its ability to drive meaningful change within the technology field. 
  2. What is a Large Language Model? ChatGPT is a large language model (LLM), meaning it belongs to a class of models trained on vast amounts of text data. These models are built through a training process, enabling the model to produce informative and engaging text when presented with an input. In the case of the former ChatGPT model GPT-3, this AI version was trained across 175 billion parameters that got transformed into a single file. Such a scale of training contributes to the impressive capabilities and versatility exhibited by ChatGPT and similar AI models. 
  3. Who Founded ChatGPT, and What Does it Mean? ChatGPT was founded by OpenAI, an organization co-founded by Elon Musk and currently led by Sam Altman. With strong ties to Microsoft and ongoing collaborations with high-profile entrepreneurs, OpenAI continues to drive innovation in the AI domain.  The name “ChatGPT” can be divided into two key components: the chat and GPT. The term “GPT” refers to Generative Pretrained Transformer, serving as the core of the model itself. It embodies the remarkable capabilities of generating coherent and contextually relevant text. On the other hand, the “chat” aspect signifies the interactive interface that enables users to engage with the model.  
  4. How does ChatGPT plan to expand in its future versions? Speculations have surfaced regarding the potential development of GPT-5, a hypothetical extension building upon the existing models crafted by OpenAI. Nevertheless, a resistance led by influential figures like Musk is fighting for a halt in future training and advancement of these models. 
  5. NVIDIA Increasing Popularity. NVIDIA holds a significant role in the realm of artificial intelligence. As a prominent manufacturer of graphic processing units (GPUs), NVIDIA has played a crucial part in the development and execution of AI models. GPUs, originally designed for rendering graphics, have proven to be highly efficient for accelerating machine learning and deep learning algorithms. The NVIDIA ecosystem is instrumental in the training processes of a wide range of AI models since its powerful GPUs optimize software libraries and enhance the performance and speed of deploying AI models. NVIDIA’s GPUs are a key component in the artificial intelligence landscape, propelling the advancement in AI technology, and underscoring its own success in the marketplace. 
  6. The Good and the Bad: AI Hallucination and Temperature. The concept of “AI hallucination” refers to instances where an AI interface produces factually incorrect or nonsensical information in its generated output.  In an educational or professional context, AI hallucination can have severe negative consequences. The model may “hallucinate” journal articles, book chapters, quotations, textbook answers, or other information that users fail to fact-check. This can lead to harmful and potentially damaging situations, particularly for individuals who rely heavily on the AI’s output as a source of reliable information. However, in a creative context, AI hallucination can be advantageous.The model’s propensity for innovative and imaginative can be harnessed to generate unique content. For instance, it may create captivating poems, heartfelt letters, or even inventive movie scripts, leveraging its creative capabilities. One noteworthy feature of LLMs is the ability to adjust the temperature, which determines the level of creativity and ambiguity in the generated output. By modifying the temperature, users regain control over the AI’s responses, allowing them to choose the level of “adventurousness” or “conservativeness” in the generated content.  By understanding and managing AI hallucination and temperature, users can navigate ChatGPT’s potential pitfalls in educational or professional contexts while still harnessing its innovative content creation. 
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In Conclusion 

The rise of AI models like ChatGPT has ushered in a new era of possibilities, transforming the way we interact with technology. Their ability to enhance user experiences, their versatility across industries, their role in driving accessibility and inclusivity, and their impact on research and development make them indispensable in our society. However, it is crucial to approach the development of AI with a strong ethical foundation. By harnessing the potential of AI models responsibly, we can unlock a future where technology empowers and enriches the lives of individuals and communities.  

Click here to hear more on ChatGPT from Bart McDonough. To understand how Agio is helping firms create policies for the most responsible use of ChatGPT, contact us.