Archive for malware

How to Pick Your XDR Partner

If you’re in the market for a Extended Detection & Response (XDR) service provider, what you’re really looking for is a partner.

Keep Your Data Safe During a Nation-State Threat

Let’s take a look at what happened with SolarWinds and how the skills and strategies Agio uses day-to-day are excellent ways to protect yourself when the unexpected comes calling.

Incomplete XDR Coverage Leaves You Vulnerable

Imagine yourself in this situation: You’re a diverse global company. COVID-19 is everywhere and hurting business, so you have to furlough some people.

Key Takeaways from Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigation Report

Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR) is out and, as usual, provides some of the richest data available.

COVID-19: Malicious Domains, Malware & Phishing

Attackers were buying domains, building malicious websites, and creating phishing scams to steal information and shut down IT networks, including those at critical health facilities.