Phish for Thought

One-click is all it takes to give bad actors a window into your secure data. And as the world gets more tech-savvy, so do phishing scams that use the facade of a credible business — like LinkedIn — to obtain your information.

This is why educating your employees on cybersecurity is so crucial to your business’s success. End-user cybersecurity training is one of the most important services Agio offers. Let Agio help you protect your business.

Phish for Thought


It takes you onto a website that looks just like LinkedIn; it’s not, but you have to log in. So there’s your username and password field. You go in there and type in your username, type in your password, hit log in, and it says bad username password combination. You go, “Huh? That’s weird. I thought that was my LinkedIn password. Oh, maybe it’s my other password.” Right? So you type that in. You hit log in. Nope. And you go, “Wow, I haven’t logged into LinkedIn in a while. Did I use my super secure I’ve-never-told-anyone-not-even-my-spouse banking password? Let me try that.” Boom. You hit log in. Failed. At that point you’re done. Our attention spans are too small. You’re like,“LinkedIn is broken. Something’s wrong. I’m out.”

What you’ve done is you’ve just given a bot three username and passwords that they can use across hundreds of websites in real time. So on average most of you have, believe it or not, up to about a hundred log ins. Now the question is – how many of you know, with precision, how many you have? Because if you don’t know with precision, you don’t know if you’ve got breached.

When they try, they know your password already.

It takes you onto a website that looks just like LinkedIn; it’s not, but you have to log in. So there’s your username and password field. You go in there and type in your username, type in your password, hit log in, and it says bad username password combination.


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